Call Server dialog box
The Call Server dialog box is useful only if you are in a location, such as Home or Travel, where you connect using a phone line and Notes Direct Dialup or Network Dialup.

If the Call server dialog box is not open, from the Replication tab click Actions > Call Server.

Disabling call waiting

To disable call waiting before you make a call, you can dial *70 in many areas of the United States. (If someone calls the line you're using, call waiting can automatically disconnect you from a server.) For other ways to disable call waiting, or to re-enable it after you're finished using a telephone line to connect to IBM® Lotus® Notes®, check with your telephone company.

Changing a phone number

To use a different number for a server temporarily, enter the new number in the Call Server dialog box.

To change a server's phone number permanently, click Actions > Server Phone Numbers, select the server, click the Edit Connection button, enter a new number, and click Save and Close.

To change a prefix or suffix permanently, click File > Locations > Manage Locations, click your current location and click Edit, specify new information on the Phone Settings tab, and click Save & Close.

Selecting a number from an enterprise phonebook

Your Domino administrator can tell you whether your organization has implemented an enterprise phonebook (phonebook.nsf) application with all the phone numbers necessary for calling your organization from around the world. If there is a phonebook, you can use it while traveling to select local phone numbers instead of having to enter them manually or create Connection documents for each phone number.

1. Ask your administrator to provide you with a replica of the phonebook.nsf, or create the replica yourself.

2. From the Replication tab, click Actions > Call Server and click Phonebook.

3. Specify your country/region, state/province, and city.

4. If this connection requires a login name and password (for example for your ISP), and you have an Account document with that information, select Obtain login info from an Account and select the Account document from the Use this Account list.

5. Click next to any phone numbers you want to use.

6. Click OK to add the selected phone numbers to the list in the Call Server dialog box.

Changing the port

To use a different port, for example if your modem is changed to a different port through your operating system, click More Options in the Call Server dialog box and select a port. To set up a modem for the selected port, click Setup, select the modem type, and specify any other modem settings you want.

Canceling a call

To cancel a call in progress, press Ctrl+Break (Macintosh users, Command+.(period)).

To have Notes cancel a call in progress automatically after a period in which no connection is made, click More Options and specify a number of seconds in the Dial time-out field in the Call Server dialog box.

To have Notes hang up automatically after a period in which there is no activity (data transmission), click More Options and specify a number of minutes in the Hangup if idle for field in the Call Server dialog box.

Using communications scripts

To connect to a modem using a communications script, click More Options, click Call Setup, and select a script. Then click OK and click Dial. For more information about using communications scripts, see your Domino administrator.

See Also