Creating a new home page
You can create your own home page that includes information that is important to you from IBM® Lotus® Notes® and the Web. To create a home page, you use the home page wizard. Do one of the following to launch the wizard:
From the Lotus Notes setup page, click the
Create my own
From the current home page, click the text
Click here for home page options
, then click the
Create a new home page
There are three types of home pages you can create:
- A framed home page is a structured page that lets you choose the number and format of frames to display. The frames can contain application views, action buttons, a preview pane, folders stored on your operating system, Web pages, and a launch pad that lets you open various Notes and Web links right from the home page.
Personal Page
- A personal home page is a more free-form page contained in a single frame. You can choose from a number of prefilled layouts, or use an Advanced layout and create your own layout. You can add pictures, rich-text, Java™ applets, and embedded elements, such as an embedded date picker.
My Work
- This type of home page has portal-like tabs. Each tab is divided into multiple panes that display your Mail, Calendar, To Do list, most frequently used Notes applications and Web sites, and so on. My Work home pages help you organize and manage your daily tasks and communications with others in your company.
If you choose to display your file system on your home page, you must use Notes with Internet Explorer as your default Web browser so your file system displays correctly on the home page. See
Changing Web browsers
for information on setting your Web browser in Lotus Notes.
See Also
Your home page
Using the My Work home page
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