TeamRoom Main Document
Teamroom documents are available.


The main document form is used to contribute new content to the TeamRoom. Its flexible design allows you to use this one form for multiple purposes, such as: online discussions, posting reference materials, assigning action items, and scheduling meetings. Certain elements of the form will depend on the document type you choose when composing a new document. For example, creating a new document and clicking Action Item as the document type changes the Reviewers section to Assignments and allows you to assign the document to a specific team member(s) or subteam(s), and specify a due date by which the action should be completed. Likewise, clicking Meeting as the document type changes the Reviewers section to Meeting Details allowing you to assign a date, start time, duration, and location to the meeting, and to select attendees from a list of team members and subteams.

Several of the list boxes on the Main Document form are populated with choices from the TeamRoom Setup section. These choices are controlled by the TeamRoom Facilitator, but should be agreed upon by the team.

Creating a Main Document

1. From the Create menu, click Main Document, or from a view, click New Document.

2. Click a document type from the pull down menu.

3. Enter the subject in the Subject field.

4. (Optional) Click a category from the predefined list in the Category field.

5. (Optional) If this document is associated with an event or milestone, select the appropriate choice from the Associated Event field.

6. (Optional) If you would like to associate this document with, or bring it to the attention of, a particular subteam or subteams, select the appropriate subteam(s) from the Associated Subteam(s) field.

7. The section below Associated Subteam(s) changes depending on which document type is selected. Fill in the fields that are appropriate for the document type you are creating.

8. (Optional) From the left side of the form, you can elect whether or not to have this document automatically become inactive after a specified interval. If you choose to let this document become inactive, you can accept the default interval (specified by the TeamRoom Facilitator during Setup) or you may enter your own date using the drop-down calendar. If you would like this document to remain active indefinitely, click in the Keep Active box and this document will not become inactive. (Inactive documents are removed from the most views to reduce clutter, and can be found in the Inactive Documents view.)

9. (Optional) If the document is to be reviewed, enter a review date (enter it manually or click the drop-down calendar and select one). Select reviewers (individuals, subteams, or a combination of both) from the lists provided. Click Select all names if all team members are to serve as reviewers. Click send link to assignees to send a notification to the assigned reviewers.

10. Enter the body content for the document in the Content field.

11. (Optional) If you would like to keep this document private, click Mark Private at the top of the screen. You can click Mark Private and Mark Public to control whether anyone other than you can read a document. For example, if you have not finished writing a document, you can click Mark Private and no one else will be able to read the document. When you finish the document, click Mark Public to allow others to read it.

12. When finished, click Save and Close on the Action Bar.

The Preview pane

The Preview pane is a tool that gives you fast access to the content of a selected document in a view. To open the pane, click the arrow and then drag the edge of the pane upwards. To close the Preview pane, click the arrow.

Note The Preview Pane is available only in Lotus Notes Client. It is not available on the Web.

See Also