Sample search for documents by author and date
As a newspaper reporter, you want to search the newspaper's archives for all articles you wrote or helped write over a two-month period.

1. Open the Archives application, and choose the view that lists all articles.

2. Click View > Search This View.

3. Click the More twistie.

4. Click the Author button.

5. In Search for documents whose author, select is any of.

6. In the text box, enter your first and last name.

7. Click Add. A token is added to the text entry box in the Search bar.

8. Click Date.

9. In the Search for documents whose box, select date created.

10. In the next box, select is between.

11. In the text boxes, enter the beginning date and the end date for the time period. (Use numerals separated by forward slashes, for example: 1/01/00.)

12. Click Add. Another token is added to the text entry box in the Search bar.

13. Click Search. Search displays all articles you wrote during that time period.

See Also