TeamRoom Response documents
The Response document is used to compose a response to a Main Document in TeamRoom. By using the Response form, it is possible to create a "threaded" discussion, making it easy for readers to follow the flow of the discussion in TeamRoom. A Response document can be used to respond to any document type (action item, reference, meeting, and so on) in TeamRoom.

To create a response document

1. In a view in TeamRoom, highlight the document you wish to respond to.

2. Click New Response.

3. Enter a short description, or summary, for your response in the Subject field. The Response To field is automatically populated with the subject of the document to which you are responding. The Category field also inherits the category of the Main Document to which you are responding.

4. Enter your response.

5. Click Save and Close.

Your response will appear in all appropriate views, indented below the main document you highlighted. There may be more than one response to any main document, and Responses can have Response to Response documents under them as well.

Tip To view the main (parent) document while creating a response, drag the border of the response document up from the bottom. Alternatively, click View > Parent Preview from the menu.

See Also