When you provide local security for a database or database replica to which you have Manager access, IBM® Lotus® Notes® encrypts the database using your public key from your User ID. You are the only one who can then decrypt the database because you have the corresponding private key in your User ID. Nobody else's User ID can open the database.
Note If you use a disk compression utility, databases using medium or strong encryption will not use significantly less disk space.
To change the default encryption settings for new local database replicas
You can set Notes to leave new local databases or replicas unencrypted when you create them. You can also change the default encryption setting.
1. Click File > Security > User Security. Macintosh OS X users: Notes > Security > User Security.
2. Click Notes Data > Databases.
3. To turn off encryption for new local databases, select "Do not locally encrypt."
1. Open the local database.
2. Click File > Application > Properties.
3. Click the "Database Basics" tab, and then click the "Encryption Settings" button.
4. Select "Locally encrypt this database using" and then one of the following options:
See Also