To attach shortcuts as files and treat destination shortcuts as files when saving attachments
Note This setting applies only to Notes clients running on Windows operating systems.

This option lets you set whether you want the shortcut (.lnk) files you select in the Create Attachment dialog box to attach as shortcut files or to attach as the files that the shortcuts represent. You might want to attach the shortcut files if, for example, you need to send someone a link to an application on a shared resource. By default, shortcut files that you select in the Create Attachment dialog box attach as the full files that they reference.

The option also controls whether a shortcut chosen as the destination location when saving attachments is treated as a regular file, in which case the shortcut will be overwritten by the file being saved, or as a shortcut file, in which case the file being saved overwrites the file location that the shortcut points to. By default, a file being saved to a shortcut location overwrites the file that the shortcut points to.

To attach shortcut files and treat shortcuts as files when saving

1. Click File > Preferences > User Preferences.

2. Under Additional Options, select Treat shortcuts as files when selecting in file dialogs.

3. Click OK.