Your IMAP Offline account defaults to leaving the original mail on the IMAP server and replicating the mail to your Notes mail application. You can customize your account to delete the mail from the IMAP server and store it only in the Notes mail application.
Note You don't have to use IMAP Offline just to have a local mail application; you can use IMAP Online with a local mail replica.
Tip To use your existing Notes mail as a universal Inbox for mail from your Domino server and your IMAP server, use IMAP Offline and specify your Notes mail application as the mail file for the location where you use IMAP Offline, with local mail use. With this setup, Notes replicates messages from your IMAP server to your Notes mail application, and stores your outgoing IMAP mail in your outgoing Internet mailbox (
For more information on local mail use, see Working online or offline.
See either of these sections:
1. (Optional) If you use a separate location for Internet mail, switch to that location.
2. (Optional) If you want to keep your Notes mail separate from your Internet mail, create a separate mail application using the Notes 8 mail template (Mail8.Ntf) If you are using this separate Internet mail application in a separate location, you can also specify it as your mail for that location; to do so, click File > Locations > Manage Locations, click Advanced > Locations, click the location, click Edit, click Mail, and typing its file name in the Mail file field.
3. Set up an Internet IMAP Offline account manually as described in Creating or editing Internet mail accounts manually.
4. Open the Replication page. If you don't see Receive Internet mail and Send outgoing Internet mail entries, ask your system administrator for help in troubleshooting your IMAP mail account and connection.
5. To receive mail, click the Receive Internet mail entry and click Actions > Replicate Selected Application. Notes replicates the Notes mail application you're using for IMAP mail with the IMAP server, pulling any incoming IMAP mail into your Inbox.
6. To send mail, click the Send outgoing Internet mail entry and click Actions > Replicate Selected Application. Notes sends any outgoing mail from your outgoing Internet mailbox (
7. Open the Notes mail application you're using for IMAP mail to continue working with the mail.
Tip You can set up the Replication page to send and receive mail on a schedule.
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To customize your IMAP Offline account
1. Open your contacts, click View > Advanced > Accounts, select your IMAP Offline account. and then click Edit Account.
2. Click Advanced.
3. (Optional) Change the selection in the Start replication from last seen unique identifier field. When set to Yes (the default), the replication for IMAP is optimized, replicating only what's already been replicated. When set to No, Notes searches through every document to determine whether to replicate it or not.
4. (Optional) Select Delete IMAP messages on server to delete messages from the server after they are replicated to your Notes mail application. Leave this option turned off (the default) to keep messages on the IMAP server as a backup, or if you want to access your Internet mail from more than one location.
5. (Optional) Type a number in the Maximum messages/articles to return field. This option lets you limit the number of messages Notes replicates from the IMAP server to the Notes mail application. If the option is left blank or set to zero, Notes replicates all messages on the IMAP server.
See Also