Searching a domain for documents or files
You can use Domain Search to find documents across a domain. You can conduct a simple search, or use advanced options to refine your search.

Note Your Domino administrator sets up Domain Search. The administrator or application manager determines what documents, applications, and files are available for searching; not every application in the domain is automatically included. Files are stored in file systems, which are server directories specified by the administrator.

Applications are also listed by categories that the application manager or an administrator can specify in each application's properties box. Domain Search lets you select from a list of those categories to narrow your search.

1. Access Domain Search from the Welcome page.

2. Select the documents option

3. Enter text in the Containing field.

4. (Optional) Select results options.

5. (Optional) Click More and do any or all of the following:

6. (Optional) Select Use word variants only. This option finds words with the base word + certain prefixes and suffixes (click for details.

7. (Optional) Select Fuzzy search. This option finds words with slightly different spellings and arrangement (click for details.

8. (Optional) Refine your query using search operators.

9. Do one of the following:

10. (Optional) Select Limit search to the following application categories and select a category or categories. For example, selecting the category NotesHelp limits your search to Help applications. This option is not available for file systems.

11. (Optional) Limit the total number of results and the number of results shown on each page of results by clicking More and entering number values in the fields Maximum __ results (zero means all) and Display __ results per page.

12. Click Search.

Tip To remove a condition, click this button Domain index condition deletion. To reset the entire form, click Reset.

Notes returns Domain Search results in a document that contains a list of links to documents or files that match your search query. You can forward or save this document.

To view a document or file that matches your search query, double-click the document or file title. If you double-click a file, Search attempts to open it in your default browser, or offers to download it.

Note If you don't have access to a particular document, it won't appear in any search results.

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See Also