Adding graphics to a document
You can copy graphics into a document, import graphic files, or resize graphics in a document. You can also add captions or hotspots to graphics. You must be in a rich-text field (a field that allows text, objects, file attachments, and pictures) to add a graphic.

Click any of these topics:

To copy a graphic into a document

You can copy only bitmap (BMP) files into a document. However, you can import BMP, GIF, JPEG, PCX Image, and TIFF 5.0 bitmap files into a document.

1. Select the graphic to copy; click Edit - Copy.

2. Open the target document.

3. Put the document in edit mode.

4. Click where you want to place the graphic.

5. Click Edit > Paste.

Note If you copy a graphic into a document, it appears on all IBM® Lotus® Notes® platforms. For example, if you're using Windows and copy a BMP in a document, Macintosh users can see it when they open the document. If you're using a Macintosh and copy a PICT into a document, Windows users can see it when they open the document.

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To import a graphic file into a document

You can import BMP, GIF, JPEG, PCX Image, and TIFF 5.0 Bitmap files into a document.

1. Put the document in edit mode.

2. Click where you want to place the graphic.

3. Click File > Import.

4. Select the file to import.

5. Click Import.

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To position a graphic in a document,

1. Click the graphic.

2. Click Picture > Picture Properties, and then click the Paragraph Alignment tab.

3. Click an alignment position from the Alignment section.

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To resize a graphic

1. Put the document in edit mode.

2. Click the graphic.

3. Place your mouse pointer on the dark square in the graphic's lower right corner, and drag to resize the graphic.

Note Notes displays the graphic's current width and height as a percentage of its original width and height above the status bar.

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To return a graphic to its original size

1. Put the document in edit mode.

2. Click the graphic.

3. Click Picture > Picture Properties.

4. Click the Picture Info tab.

5. Click Reset in the Scaling section.

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To enter alternate text for a graphic

If your document is viewed on the Web, the alternate text appears when a user hovers the mouse over the graphic.

1. Put the document in edit mode.

2. Click the graphic.

3. Click Picture > Picture Properties.

4. Click the Picture Info tab.

5. Enter a name in the Alternate Text field, and then click the check mark to save.

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To add a caption to a graphic

1. Put the document in edit mode.

2. Click the graphic.

3. Click Picture - Picture Properties.

4. Click the Picture Info tab.

5. Enter a caption in the Caption field; and then click the check mark to save.

6. Choose where the caption should be placed, in relation to the graphic, in the Display caption field.

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To create hotspots on your graphic

1. Put the document in edit mode.

2. Click the graphic.

3. Click Picture > Add Hotspot <shape> or Add Default Hotspot.

4. Using your cursor, draw the hotspot over the graphic.

5. See Creating, formatting, and removing hotspots to finish creating the hotspot.

6. (Optional) Once you have created a hotspot on your graphic, you can do any of the following:
Specify a tab order, the order your hotspots are selected as you press the TAB key, for your hotspot
  1. Click Picture > Hotspot Properties, and then click the Advanced tab.
  2. Enter a number in the Position in Image Map tab order field.
Choose an alternate name for your hotspot
  1. Click Picture > Hotspot Properties, and then click the Advanced tab.
  2. Enter a name in the Alternate Text field, and then click the check mark to save.
Move a selected hotspot on your graphicPlace your cursor over the hotspot and drag.
Delete a selected hotspotClick Picture > Delete Selected Hotspot(s).
Edit your hotspot propertiesClick Picture > Edit Hotspot.
View the number of hotspots on a graphic
  1. Click Picture > Picture Properties; and then click the Picture Info tab.
  2. Refer to the Number field in the Hotspots section.

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To remove a graphic

1. Select graphic.

2. Click Edit > Delete, or press Delete.

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See Also