Using type-ahead
You can use the type-ahead feature in many dialog boxes and in views.

In dialog boxes

You can use type-ahead in many of the fields to search for users, servers, file names, or applications in a list. Type the first letter or two of the name, the first name beginning with those letters is automatically selected. Press Enter to choose the selection.

In a view

You can use the type-ahead feature in a view to quickly find a particular document or category. In a view, this feature opens a "Starts with" dialog box. To search a view using type-ahead, first sort the view the way you want to search (by name, or subject for example). The search text must match the way the view is sorted. For instance, in a view sorted by "last, first name," you must start typing the last name, not the first name.

Tip Click anywhere inside the view to make sure the view contains the focus, and then start typing.

See Also