Header and footer information can apply to all of the documents in an application, or to a particular document. The header and footer you create for an application prints with all documents in the application, unless you set up a different header and footer for the document.
Note Application header and footer information also appears when you print a list of documents in a folder or view, a Calendar view, or a list of calendar entries.
To create a header or footer
1. Open a document or an application.
2. From the menu, choose File > Document Properties (or File > Application Properties to assign a header or footer for all the documents in the application).
3. Click the Printer tab.
5. Enter any text you want to appear in the header or footer in the Header/Footer text field.
6. (Optional) Use the information in the table below to insert page numbers, total number of pages, date, time, tab, or title automatically.
8. Click the check mark to save your changes, or the x to cancel them.
9. (Optional) To prevent headers and footers from appearing on the first page, clear the Print header and footer on first page option.
Tips for aligning text in headers and footers
To delete headers and footers
1. Open the document or application.
See Also