To create an agent, you must first open the application and click Create > Agent. IBM® Lotus® Notes® displays the Agent Properties box and opens the Programmer's pane.
In the Agent Properties box:
1. Click the Basics tab.
2. Enter a name for the agent in the Name field.
3. (Optional) Enter a comment in the Comment field. Comments appear in the agents list.
4. Select Shared if this agent will be used by other users. Select Private if you want the agent to be an agent that only you can run.
7. In the Runtime section of the properties box, choose one of the following triggers for the agent. Different options appear depending on the trigger you choose.
9. Close the Agent properties box after you have filled in the necessary fields.
In the Programmer's pane:
1. Click Add Action to open the Add Action dialog box and specify a simple action(s) for the agent to perform. (Choose actions in the order you want them to run.)
2. If you want the agent to search for a document, select the Objects tab and then Document Selection. Click the Add Condition button to display the Add Condition dialog box and set up search conditions.
3. Click File > Save to save the agent in the application.
See Also