Advanced certificate details
You can view details about your selected IBM® Lotus® Notes® or Internet certificate by choosing File > Security > User Security (Macintosh OS X users: Notes > Security > User Security), clicking Your Identity > Your Certificates, and then clicking the "Advanced Details" or "Certificate Details" button. To see details about other people's certificates, see Certificates for people or services.

Click any of these topics:

Notes certificate details

"Advanced Details" and "Certificate Details" display the following details about the Notes certificate you have selected:

Type -- the type of certificate --Notes multi-purpose, Notes International, Notes certificate authority, or flat certificate.
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Internet certificate details

"Advanced Details" and "Certificate Details" display the following details about the Internet certificate you have selected:

Note If there is a detail listed in the Attribute column that is a series of numbers separated by dots, for example 123.45.678.9, it is an OID number. If an OID number is displayed, this means Notes doesn't have enough information to present associated certificate information as descriptive text.

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See Also