Keyboard shortcuts for properties boxes
In IBM® Lotus® Notes®, you can learn about and change the characteristics of a document, object, or application by opening what's known as a properties box. For example, when you are editing a document, click Text > Text Properties to open the Text Properties box.
ALT+DOWN ARROWOpen color field in Font tab
ALT+UP ARROWClose color field in Font tab
Alt+EnterOpen or close properties box
Ctrl+Alt+EnterOpen or close express tools in properties box
Ctrl+EndMove to last properties box tab (in Text and Table Properties, last tab is Express Tools)
Ctrl+HomeMove to first properties box tab
Ctrl+Page DownMove to next properties box tab
Ctrl+Page UpMove to previous properties box tab
Down Arrow or Right Arrow Select next item in a list or set of options in properties box
EnterActivate default or selected item(s) in properties box
EnterClose color field in Font tab and activate selection
EscClose color field in Font tab without activating selection
EscClose properties box when focus is in properties box
F1Get Help on current properties box
Shift+TabMove to previous option or set of options in properties box
TabMove to next option or set of options in properties box
Up Arrow or Left ArrowSelect previous item in a list or set of options in properties box

See Also