The main dictionary is comprehensive but does not contain proper names or specialized words. If you use special words often, you can add them to your user dictionary so they are recognized. The main dictionary used by default in North America is American English (us.dic), but you can choose another one as your main dictionary, if your version of IBM® Lotus® Notes® includes more than one language dictionary. Language dictionaries have the extension .DIC and are located in your notes\data directory. The user dictionary (user.dic), which is your personal dictionary, is also located in your notes\data directory.
Click any of these topics:
1. In a new document, click Tools and make sure Instant Spell Check is selected.
To check spelling in an entire document
1. Put the document in Edit mode.
2. Click Tools > Spell Check.
3. For each word that is not recognized you can:
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To check the spelling of selected words in a document
2. Select the text to check.
3. Click Tools > Spell Check.
4. For each word Notes does not recognize you can:
See Also