Task | Procedure |
Set color style for your table |
- In the Table color section, select a color pattern in the Style field.
- Select color(s) for your table pattern in the Color field(s).
- You can customize colors by using the color wheel button in the top right corner of the Color box.
- To use your system colors, click the System button in the Color box (first button from left in upper right corner).

Set color style within cells (solid or gradient) |
- Place cursor in specific cell or select a range of cells.
- In the Cell color section, select cell color in the Color field.
- Select the Style for cell color (solid, top to bottom gradient, or left to right gradient).
- If you selected a gradient style, select a color for the gradient in the To field.
- To set style of color to all cells, click Apply to All in the Cell color section.
- You can customize colors by using the color wheel button in the top right corner of the Color box.
- You can apply a transparent setting, which allows the background color of the table to show through, by clicking the transparency button in the Color box (second button from left in upper right corner).
To undo transparency, click the third button from left in upper right corner.
- To use your system colors, click the System button in the Color box (first button from left in upper right corner).

Set an image to wallpaper your cell(s) |
- In the Cell image section, click the folder icon to choose an image.
- Select the pattern in the Repeat field.
- To set image for all cells, click Apply to All in the Cell image section.
- If the application designer did not put any images in your Image Resource locator, you can use images from other sources such as other applications or from your local machine.
Wallpaper your cell(s) using a formula |
- In the Cell image section, click the formula (@) button.
- Enter a formula; click Done.