Newsletter Profile
The Newsletter Profile notifies the user of the existence of new documents in the TeamRoom that meet criteria set by the user. The user defines these preferences in the Newsletter Profile Preferences form. Within this form, the user can request to be informed of new documents from specific authors, categories, events, subteams, or subjects that contain specified words or phrases. Also, a user can track any individual discussion thread by selecting a document in that thread and then clicking the Actions menu item Add Topic To Newsletter Profile. Once this form is completed, the user will be notified by mail (a newsletter that contains document links) as the specified topics appear in the TeamRoom.
Individual Status Reports
The Individual status reports view allows TeamRoom members to create individual status reports based on their subteam name. This view also displays the team member's previous status reports. Status reports are listed in descending chronological order.
Documents Assigned to Me
This view is customized, automatically, to display only those documents that have been assigned to the current user. It provides a quick reference for participants to check any work they may have pending. Assigned documents include Action Items, as well as other documents with a name in the Reviewers field. Both open and completed documents appear in this view.
Documents I Created
The Documents I created view is customized, automatically, to display only certain documents the current user created: main topics, status reports, and response documents the current user composed in discussion threads he or she originated. It provides a quick reference for participants to view documents they have contributed in the past, or may have saved as draft documents (marked Private). Documents are listed in descending chronological order by default, but may be re-sorted on-the-fly to ascending order by clicking on the Date column heading.
See Also