Reserving a room or resource for a meeting
When you create a meeting invitation and click Find Rooms or Find Resources, IBM® Lotus® Notes® displays the Find Rooms dialog box or the Find Resources dialog box.

Note To reserve a room or resource, your organization's directory must contain rooms or resources. For information about whether rooms and resources are available to reserve, see your Domino™ administrator.

1. In the Choose address book field, select a directory that contains the site where you want to reserve a room or resource.

2. In the Choose site field, select the the site where you want to reserve a room or resource. To set a preferred site for rooms and resources, see Calendar & To Do Preferences - Rooms & Resources.

3. (Optional) Select the Search only preferred option if you have created a list of preferred rooms or resources and want to search only within that list.

4. Do one of the following:

5. Specify start and end dates and times.

6. Click Search.

7. Select a room or resource from the search results. Depending on how rooms and resources are set up, you may be limited as to how far in advance you can reserve them. Rooms and resources may also have owner-specified restrictions. To check if there are owner restrictions on the selected room or resource, click Details.

8. Click OK. Depending on how rooms and resources are set up, you may receive an automatic notification about the room or resource reservation.

See Also