Use the Groups view to see the Groups you have created.
Note You cannot export a group as a vCard file. To create a vCard file from a group, print the Group document so you can see all the names, select the names in the Contacts view, and export as a vCard file from there.
To create a new group
1. From the Groups view click New Group.
2. Provide a name for the group that identifies the purpose or general makeup of the group, such as "My Staff."
3. (Optional) Provide a description for the group.
4. In the space provided, enter the of each member. Click the Members link to select from a directory. Separate each entry by pressing Enter, or by typing a comma (,) or semicolon (;) after each name.
5. (Optional) For Category, enter one or more categories, or click the link to choose from a list.
6. Click Save & Close.
Tip To create a group from contacts you already have, select the names you want in the group and click More > Copy Into New Group.
To add a group from a Domino or LDAP directory
2. Click the Group Name link.
3. In the Select names dialog, choose an existing group from a directory, and then click Add to Contacts.
See Also