The Team Facilitator accesses the TeamRoom setup by selecting the Update TeamRoom setup option from the Leader/Facilitator Options.
Completing the setup page
There are several elements of the Setup page that must be completed to configure the TeamRoom for use. You may access each section by choosing an element from the list on the left side of the screen.
Note The Team Facilitator can modify the information in the TeamRoom Setup at any time by selecting Update TeamRoom setup from the Leader/Facilitator Options portion of the main outline, or navigator.
Team Name and Purpose
In the Name field, enter a short, descriptive name for the team that will be using this TeamRoom. In the Purpose field, enter a description that reflects the mission or goal of the team.
Team Members
TeamRoom uses the information you list here for addressing e-mailed newsletters and reminders, assigning action items, inviting meeting attendees, and for reviewing documents.
Note You must enter the names of members that have hierarchical IDs as hierarchical names in the Team Member window. If you don't, these members may not be able to review documents.
Note When TeamRoom sends mail (either through the Main document form or when sending newsletters or reminders), it first searches the team member profile for the e-mail address. If it does not find an e-mail address in the team member profile, TeamRoom will then search the public Name and Address book for the e-mail address.
Note Add the team members first, so that their names appear on the member list when you create a subteam.
Once you've established subteams in a TeamRoom, you can view the members and the purpose of a specific subteam by clicking Subteam details.
This is one of the items that requires group consensus. Categories are used to categorize and organize the work, or documents, produced by the team. The By Category view sorts documents according to the categories you list here. It's important that all team members understand and agree on the structure of information in the TeamRoom. When a team member composes a document, it can only be categorized under one or more of the choices listed here. Team members generally will not be able to create their own categories for documents.
If you decide later that one of the categories in use is not correct or is no longer relevant, TeamRoom contains a utility that allows the TeamRoom Facilitator to change the categorization in existing documents to reflect the changed category.
To change categories:
1. Delete the outdated or unwanted category for the list on the Categories page in the TeamRoom Setup.
2. Add the new category name to the list.
3. Click Save and Close to exit the TeamRoom Setup.
4. Under the leader/Facilitator Options, click Map Categories to display the Map Categories dialog box.
5. Follow the three steps in the dialog box, then click Map Categories Now.
6. Click Done to close the dialog box.
Document Types
The team should agree on the Document Types that will be used in the TeamRoom. Along with Categories, Document Types help to organize and structure the contents of the TeamRoom and create shared understanding of the task among team members. TeamRoom includes four Document Types by default (Action Item, Discussion, Meeting, and Reference) but you can add as many as the team needs. Most views within TeamRoom contain a Type column that can be sorted on-the-fly, so team members can view documents sorted by type.
Lotus research shows that many teams work according to deadline or milestone. TeamRoom allows users to incorporate a temporal element into their work by creating milestones or events. Users can then associate documents with one or more events. This form is used to create those milestones/events in TeamRoom.
1. Click Add Milestone/Event.
2. Enter the name of the milestone or event in the Milestone/Event field. This is how the milestone will be identified in pull-down menus by users.
3. Associate the event or milestone with a specific date by using the pull-down calendar in the Date field.
4. Enter a short description of the event or milestone in the Details field.
5. Click Active or Inactive to specify whether this Milestone/Event status is currently active or inactive. Inactive Milestones/Events do not show up in pull down menus when users compose new documents. The status of Milestone/Event documents can be changed at any time by locating the document in the Index of All Documents view and editing/saving the document.
6. Click Save and Close.
Several advanced options are available.
Marking Documents Inactive Documents can automatically be marked Inactive after a specified period of time. TeamRoom contains an agent that will automatically change the status of completed documents from Active to Inactive after the specified period of time has elapsed since each document's creation date. To enable this agent, click Enable Agent. The default time interval can also be specified here. (TeamRoom ships with this time interval set to one month.) Users will be able to accept this setting when they compose documents, change to a different interval or specific date, or choose to keep the document active indefinitely.
Newsletters TeamRoom can automatically keep team members informed of new content and activity in the TeamRoom through the use of newsletters. Team members can fill out newsletter profiles that specify Authors, Categories, Events, Subteams, and individual words or phrases they wish to track within the TeamRoom. The newsletter agent will run periodically to scan for documents that match newsletter criteria, and automatically send an e-mail newsletter, with links to the matching documents, to the author of each newsletter profile. To enable this agent, click Enable Newsletters. Note that you must enable the newsletter agent in Lotus Notes; you cannot enable it through the Web.
Note Additional instructions regarding newsletter profiles are available to TeamRoom users by clicking the Instructions button when they are viewing their newsletter profile.
Reminders TeamRoom has the capability to automatically send reminder e-mails to persons with overdue items. Enabling this agent will configure TeamRoom to send reminder e-mails once a day to persons with items or reviews that are overdue, until those documents are closed or completed. Note that you must enable this agent in Lotus Notes; you cannot enable it through the Web.
Web information If the team will use the teamroom on the Web and you are setting the teamroom up in Lotus Notes, enter the name of the Web server in this field.
Updating the ACL
After completing profiles for each TeamRoom participant, the Team Facilitator should update the access control list (ACL). Click Update access list from Leader/Facilitator Options. Within the Update ACL dialog box that appears, the Team Facilitator can assign access levels to the team member(s) and the subteam(s) as needed.
See Also