Creating and customizing sections
You can use sections in documents to collapse one or more paragraphs into a single line. You can expand the paragraph(s) when necessary by clicking on the triangle, or twistie, that appears to the left of a collapsed section. Sections are useful for organizing documents that contain a lot of information. You must be in a rich-text field (a field that allows text, objects, file attachments, and pictures) to create a collapsed section.

Note The default behavior of a section is to remain in the state that it was last used. For example, if you create a section in a mail message and collapse the section before you send the message, the recipient of the message will see a collapsed section when he or she opens the message.

Collapsed section

Expanded section

Click any of these topics:

To create a section

1. Put the document in edit mode.

2. Select the paragraph(s) to collapse into a section.

3. Click Create > Section.

Tip The first line of the first paragraph is the section title by default.

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To customize a section

1. Put the document in edit mode.

2. Click the section.

3. Click Section > Section Properties.

4. Follow the procedures in this table to customize the section.
Change a section's title

Note Do not use carriage returns, hotspots, or buttons in section titles.

  1. Click the Section Title and Border tab.
  2. In the Title field, select the text, and type a new title; click the check mark to save.

Note You can use a formula for your title by selecting Formula and adding the formula in the Title field, or by clicking Formula Window and adding your formula there.
Change a section's border style and color
  1. Click the Section Title and Border tab.
  2. In the Border section, select a border style from the Style field.
  3. Select a border color from the Color field.

Note You can customize colors by using the color wheel button in the top right corner of the Color field. Color wheel
Set a section to expand or collapse automatically when document is being previewed through the Preview Pane
  1. Click the Expand/Collapse tab.
  2. Select any of the following in the Previewed list:
  • Don't auto expand or collapse - to cancel any automatic collapsing or expanding.
  • Auto-expand section - to expand the section automatically.
  • Auto-collapse section - to collapse the section automatically.
Set a section to expand or collapse automatically when document is in Read mode
  1. Click the Expand/Collapse tab.
  2. Select any of the following in the Opened for reading list:
  • Don't auto expand or collapse - to cancel any automatic collapsing or expanding.
  • Auto-expand section - to expand the section automatically.
  • Auto-collapse section - to collapse the section automatically.
Set a section to expand or collapse automatically when document is in edit mode
  1. Click the Expand/Collapse tab.
  2. Select any of the following in the Opened for editing list:
  • Don't auto expand or collapse - to cancel any automatic collapsing or expanding.
  • Auto-expand section - to expand the section automatically.
  • Auto-collapse section - to collapse the section automatically.
Set a section to expand or collapse automatically when document is printed
  1. Click the Expand/Collapse tab.
  2. Select any of the following in the Printed list:
  • Don't auto expand or collapse - to cancel any automatic collapsing or expanding.
  • Auto-expand section - to expand the section automatically.
  • Auto-collapse section - to collapse the section automatically.
Hide title of section when the section is expanded
  1. Click the Expand/Collapse tab.
  2. Select Hide title when expanded.
Display the text as a section only when document is viewed in the preview pane; otherwise, display section contents as regular text
  1. Click the Expand/Collapse tab.
  2. Select Show as text when not previewing.
For more information using formulas, see Formula Language if you have installed IBM® Lotus® Domino™ Designer 8 Help. Or, go to Lotus Documentation on the Web to download or view Lotus Domino Designer 8 Help.

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To move a section

1. Put the document in edit mode.

2. Click the section.

3. Click Edit > Cut.

4. Click where you want to place the section.

5. Click Edit > Paste.

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To remove a section but keep the contents of the section

Note This procedure removes the section title.

1. Put the document in edit mode.

2. Click the section.

3. Click Section > Remove Section.

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To delete a section and its contents

1. Put the document in edit mode.

2. Click the section.

3. Click Edit > Delete.

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See Also