Replication schedules
Using a replication schedule, you can replicate local applications on a regular basis automatically. You can set up different replication schedules for different locations. For example, you could set up a replication schedule for your Online location only, or specify different replication schedules for your Online and Home locations.

When you start IBM® Lotus® Notes®, Notes checks to see if replication is scheduled for the current location. If it is, Notes replicates based on that schedule. If Notes fails to perform a scheduled replication, Notes tries to replicate again each minute until the attempt is successful.

If your local applications contain time-sensitive information, it may be useful to do the following:

If you specify certain applications as high-priority, Notes will replicate them on an additional, more frequent schedule than other applications. For example, you might set your mail application as high-priority. Then you can specify the additional interval for your mail application as part of the overall schedule. For example, if most applications replicate every hour, you could set high-priority applications to replicate every half hour.

High-priority application entries on the Replication page appear with a check mark in the High Priority column.

For information on setting applications as high priority, see To add a replica to the schedule and set its priority. For information on replicating them, see To replicate only high-priority applications.

Note If your administrator gives you roaming user privileges, Notes automatically enables the schedule and sets replication to occur on startup (step 7) and shutdown (step 10). For more information, see Managing your roaming user information.

See Also