TeamRoom Team Documents Views
A view in TeamRoom is a listing of documents that meet a certain criteria and/or are listed in a specific way. The Team Documents views show active documents created with the Main Document, Response, or Response to Response forms. The various views under the Team Documents category allow TeamRoom participants to view documents according to the following criteria:

By Date

The Team Documents\By Date view lists active documents by their creation date, sorted in descending order (the most recent documents appear at the top). This view shows the document creation date; the topic or subject of the document, the document type; and the author of the document. The Date column and the Type column allow users to sort-on-the-fly to reorder the display of documents by clicking on the column heading.

By Category

The Team Documents\By Category view lists active documents grouped by their assigned category (in ascending alphabetical order). Category headings only appear once a document has been created with that assigned category. It is possible to collapse and expand categories to make navigation in large views easier by clicking on the green triangle, or "twistie," to the left of the category heading. Under each category heading, documents appear in descending order of creation date.

The Team Documents\By Category view contains columns listing: the category, creation date, topic or subject, due date (if any), and document type. The Date column can be sorted on-the-fly to reorder documents according to their creation date. The Due date column heading, when clicked, will take users to the Open by Due Date view. The Type column heading may also be clicked to reorder documents in this view according to their Document Type attribute.

By Milestone/Event

The Team Documents\By Milestone/Event view lists active documents grouped by their associated event, listed alphabetically by event name. By clicking on the Date column heading, users can reorder documents in this view, on-the-fly, by descending order of creation date. Clicking on the Due column heading takes users to the Open by Due Date view. The Type column heading allows users to resort the documents in this view in descending alphabetical order of the document type attribute.

Action Items by Priority

The Team Documents\Action Items by Priority view presents a listing of action items grouped by their priority level. Priority 1 items (the highest level items) appear first, followed in descending numerical order by items of lesser priority levels. Within the priority levels, the items are further sorted by creation date and subject title. The item with the most recent creation date appears first.

Clicking the Date arrow presents a view of actions items listed by creation date only. The item with the earliest creation date appears first. The others follow in descending chronological order (that is, the most recent appears last).


The Team Documents\Chronological view lists active documents by their creation date, sorted in descending order (the most recent documents appear at the top). This view shows the document creation Date and the Topic or subject of the document. In the Chronological view, (unlike the By Date view), the columns cannot be reordered.

By Subteam

The Team Documents\By Subteam view lists active documents in descending order of their creation date, grouped under headings for their Associated Subteam. This view allows TeamRoom participants in subteams to very quickly locate documents -- especially in large, busy TeamRooms -- that are relevant to their particular subteam. By clicking on the Date column heading, users can reorder documents in this view, on-the-fly, by descending order of creation date. Clicking on the Due column heading takes users to the Open by Due Date view. The Type column heading allows users to resort the documents in this view in descending alphabetical order of the document type attribute.

By Author

The Team Documents\By Author view lists all active documents that have written by team members. The documents appear under each contributing team member's name. The most recent document appears first and the others follow in descending chronological order.

By Alternate Name

The Team Documents\By Alternate Name view presents a listing of active documents that have been categorized by the alternate name(s) of their creator.

Open by Due Date

The Team Documents\Open by Due Date view lists all documents with a status of open, in ascending chronological order. Documents that are overdue are preceded by a red exclamation point icon. Items due within a week are preceded by a clock icon. Documents with a status of complete will not appear in this view, however they will appear in most other views.

Open by Assignment

The Team Documents\Open by Assignment view lists all documents that have a status of open, grouped by assignee name. Team participants can use this view to quickly check if they have any outstanding work and when it is due. Clicking on the Date column heading will resort the entire view to list documents by creation date. Clicking the Due column heading will re-sort the view to display open documents in chronological order according to their due date.

See Also