Opening and closing Notes documents
You can open and close an IBM® Lotus® Notes® document easily.
Open a documentDouble-click the title of the document in the view.
Create a shortcut to open a document from your desktop
  1. Re-size the Notes window to see your desktop.
  2. Drag the document from the Notes view to your desktop.
  3. Double-click the shortcut to open the document in Notes.
Close a documentClick File > Close, or press Esc.
Close a document and open next document in the viewPress Enter.
Close all open window tabsClick File > Close All Open Window Tabs

Note If you do not want to be prompted before closing, set the user preference Do not prompt when closing all currently open window tabs.

Navigate back and forth from a current document to the previous oneClick the Go Back and Go Forward arrows to go back or forward to a previous document or window tab, even if you have closed the document or window tab.

See Also