Blocking mail from senders
You can move incoming messages from specific senders directly to the Junk folder.

To block mail from one or more senders

1. In the message list, select a message sent by the sender to block. To block multiple senders at once, select one message sent by each sender.

2. Click More > Block Mail from Sender. A confirmation dialog box displays.

3. If a message was sent from an Internet-style address, do one of these:

4. Click OK. The selected message is added to the Junk folder, and all future incoming messages from this sender will be added to the Junk folder. If you selected multiple messages, a confirmation dialog box displays for each message.

To unblock mail from one or more senders

1. Go to the Junk folder.

2. Click Manage List at the top of the message list.

3. Click a sender to unblock, and then click Remove.

4. Repeat step 3 for each sender to unblock, and then click OK.

See Also