Adding or updating contact entries from a message, meeting invitation, or To Do item
Updates to existing contact entries do not occur automatically. However, if you receive mail from one of your contacts, and the contact has a new e-mail address, you can update the existing contact with the new address. You can also add a new contact from any mail document you receive.

1. Select the message, invitation, or To Do item.

2. Click More > Add Sender to Contacts. If the sender is not already included in your Contacts, the contact entry is created.

3. (Optional) If the Add Sender to Contacts dialog box displays a message that there is already an entry for this person in your Contacts, do one of the following:

4. (Optional) If this contact has Internet mail and you want to encrypt future messages that you send to the contact, click Advanced and make sure Include X.509 certificates when encountered is selected.