Notes Minder
Notes Minder checks your mail and monitors your calendar and to do alarms when IBM® Lotus® Notes® is not running. When Notes Minder is active, it displays an icon in your Microsoft® Windows® taskbar. In this release of Notes, Notes Minder runs only on Windows.

To start Notes Minder

Click Start, click All Programs, open your Lotus Applications folder, click Notes Minder, and then enter your Notes password when prompted.

Note If you share a computer, start Notes with your user ID before you start Notes Minder. Otherwise, Notes Minder prompts for the password of the last user who started Notes.

Notes Minder icon

When Notes Minder is active, its icon in the taskbar changes depending on the current mail status--for example, if you have unread mail or no unread mail. If you hover the cursor over the Notes Minder icon, a hover message displays either the current mail status or the time you last checked your mail.
No unread messagesNotes Minder is active. There are no unread messages in your Inbox.
Unread messagesNotes Minder is active. There are unread messages in your Inbox. These two icons display alternately.
Server errorNotes Minder is active but cannot connect to your home mail server.
Not enabledNotes Minder is active but is not enabled.

Notes Minder menu options

You can right-click the Notes Minder icon to display a menu of options.
Open NotesStarts Notes and opens your mail application.
Check NowChecks for unread messages.
View Mail SummaryDisplays the sender, date, and subject of unread messages. To read the full text of a message, double-click it.
PropertiesDisplays Notes Minder configuration settings. You can set alerts for unread mail and alarms, and set how often to check for new mail.
EnabledToggles Notes Minder on and off without closing it.
ExitCloses Notes Minder.

See Also