Adding an individual to the instant messaging contact list
Note The features described in this topic are available only if your company has an IBM® Lotus® Sametime® server. The Macintosh version of Lotus Notes® does not support some instant messaging features, for example, instant meetings and multiple-person chats.

When you add an individual name to your instant messaging contact list, you must add the name to a new or existing private group. For example, if you add a co-worker named Devon to your instant messaging contact list because you are working on a marketing project together, you might create a new private group called Marketing and add Devon to this group.

Note You cannot add individual names to public groups. Your system administrator controls the contents of public groups.

You can add an individual name to your instant contact list either from Mail or from the instant contact list.

From Mail

1. Do one of the following:

2. Select an existing private group name, or create a new group by entering a new group name.

3. Click OK.

From the instant messaging contact list

1. Display the instant messaging contact list.

2. Click the Add to Instant Contact List icon icon showing person's head.

3. Do one of the following:

4. Select an existing private group name, or click New to enter a new private group name.

5. Click Add.

6. If the name that you entered matches more than one entry in the directory, a list of matching names appears. Select the correct name from the list and click Add.

Note By default, private groups and their members appear in your instant messaging contact list even when the members are offline, but you can choose to display online members only.

See Also