TeamRoom Subteam Status Document
The Subteam Status Report allows each subteam within a TeamRoom to publish a written status report visible to all TeamRoom participants. These status reports provide an easy way for TeamRoom Leaders and participants in large, multifunction teams to view the status of the various subteams within the context of the overall project or task.

The Team/Subteam Status Reports view shows only status reports with a status of active. Outdated status reports may be marked Inactive, and may be retained in the TeamRoom so the subteam or the whole team can track progress over time. Inactive status reports are visible in either the Index of All Documents view or the Inactive Documents view.

To change the status of an existing Subteam status report from active to inactive:

1. Highlight the appropriate document in the Team/Subteam Status Reports view.

2. Click Set Status to Inactive.

Note You must have at least Editor access to the TeamRoom to change the status of a status report.

See Also