Scanning multiple Notes applications for unread documents
You can scan multiple IBM® Lotus® Notes® applications for unread documents, without having to open them.

To scan Notes applications manually

1. Click Edit > Unread Marks > Scan Preferred.

2. Click Choose Preferred.

3. Select the applications you want to scan. Note that the list of applications corresponds to the bookmarks in your Applications Bookmark folder.

4. (Optional) To scan these applications automatically when Notes starts, check Start Scanner at Notes startup.

5. Click OK.

6. Do any of the following when you are in the Scan Unread dialog box:
View First UnreadView the first unread document in the currently listed application.

Note Press TAB to continue opening the other unread documents. Notes closes the application when there are no more unread documents.

Mark All ReadMark all of the documents in the currently listed application.
Skip This ApplicationSkip the application that is currently listed and continue to your next application.
DoneClose the Scan Unread dialog box.
Note The unread count for the current application is listed directly below the application name.

See Also