Customizing the layout of a table
You can customize your table's position in the window, the cell's position within the table, and the text within the cell. You can also set the width, height, and spacing for each column and row, and you can designate which cell is the column or row header so that screen-reader applications for visually impaired users can recognize it.

The body of a document can differ in size, depending on the application you are using. Because document body sizes differ, "Fit with margins" and "Fit to Window" tables adapt to the document body size they are created in.

Note If you create a "Fixed width" table or create cells that are wider than the printable area of a document, the tables become truncated when printed. See Examples of table layouts.

To customize your table's layout:

1. Put the document in edit mode.

2. Place your cursor anywhere in the table, and click Table > Table Properties.

3. Click the Table Layout tab.

4. Focus the cursor in the cell you are adjusting.

5. Follow the procedures in the following table to customize your table layout.
Set table width to extend from margin to margin in a given frame size within a rich-text fieldIn the Table section, select Fit with margins in the Width field.
Set table width to be the same size as the window, extending beyond the margins of a given frame size within a rich-text fieldIn the Table section, select Fit to window in the Width field.
Set a measured column width for a table in a rich-text field, regardless of frame size
  1. In the Table section, select Fixed width in the Width field.
  2. In the Table section, select the position for your table in the Position field.
  3. In the Cell section, adjust cell width in the Width field; click the check mark to save.

Note You can also set column width using the ruler.
Size column width according to text in table

(This cannot be done in Fixed width tables)

  1. Enter text in each cell.
  2. Place your cursor in the column that you want to size.
  3. In the Cell section, select Size to fit.

Note Sizing columns according to text is specific to each individual column.
Set a fixed cell width in a "Fit with margins" table or a "Fit to window" table
  1. In the Cell section, select Fixed width.
  2. Adjust cell width in the Width field; click the check mark to save.
Set minimum height for all cellsIn the Cell section, adjust height in the Minimum height field; click the check mark to save.
Adjust spacing for all cells between text and row borders In the Cell section, adjust spacing in the Row spacing field; click the check mark to save.
Adjust spacing for all cells between text and column borders In the Cell section, adjust spacing in the Column spacing field; click the check mark to save.
Align text to the top, center, or bottom of a cell
  1. Place your cursor in a specific cell.
  2. In the Cell section, select the alignment for that specific cell in the Vertically align field.
Designate for screen-reader applications which cell is the column header
  1. Place your cursor in the cell.
  2. In the Cell section, select Column Header.
Designate for screen-reader applications which cell is the row header
  1. Place your cursor in the cell.
  2. In the Cell section, select Row Header.

Examples of table layouts

Table layouts

To set a table column width using the ruler

You can use a ruler to set margins for a column, the same way you use a ruler to set margins for paragraphs.

1. Put the document in edit mode.

2. Click the column to change.

3. Click View > Ruler.

4. Drag the right and left markers on the ruler to set the right and left margins.

See Also