To create an animated table
An animated table is a table that displays a different row, replacing the previous row, every 2 seconds. You must put the document in Read mode to see the animated table work.

Note that animated tables are not supported in a Web browser.

Animated table 1

Animated table 2

1. Put the document in edit mode.

2. Click where you want the table to appear.

3. Click Create > Table.

4. Click the animated table button in the Table Type section.

5. Specify the number of rows and columns in the Table Size section.

6. Click OK.

To change the way your animated table switches rows

You can change the timing interval for when the rows in your animated table switch. You can also change how the rows in your animated table switch. For example, you may want the rows in your animated table to switch when a user clicks on the table, rather then continually every two seconds.

1. Place your cursor in the animated table.

2. Click Table > Table Properties.

3. Click the Table Rows tab.

4. To change the timing interval for the rows in your table, enter a time in milliseconds in the Switch rows every n milliseconds field in the Which row to display section.

5. To change how the rows in your animated table switch, select an option in the Cycle through rows list in the Transition when switching rows section.

To specify a transition effect when switching rows

You can set each row in your animated table to have a transition effect as the rows switch from one row to another. For example, you can make the second row in your animated table appear to slide in from left to right.

Note You must select one cell at a time to set a transition effect. If you select more then one cell, the effect gets applied to only the first selected cell.

1. Place your cursor in a specific row to create a transition effect.

2. Click Table > Table Properties.

3. Click the Table Rows tab.

4. Select an effect in the Effect list in the Transition when switching rows section.

See Also