Automation and Agent troubleshooting
Click any of these questions:
Why can't I create or run an agent in this application?

You tried to create or run an agent in an application but couldn't for one of the following reasons:

1. From the File menu, click Application > Access Control.

2. Select your name in the Access List.

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Why isn't the agent running when it's supposed to?

Check the agent's schedule by following these steps:

1. Open the application where the agent resides.

2. Click View > Agents.

3. Double-click the agent in the list to open it.
4. Click Schedule in the Basics tab of the Agent properties box.
5. Review selections in the Schedule dialog box, and make changes if necessary.

6. Click OK

7. Close the Agent properties box, then press ESC.

8. Click "Yes" to save any changes you made.

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Why isn't the agent doing what it's supposed to?

When you create an agent and select its actions, you must select the actions in the order you want them to run. Check the sequence and make sure it is correct.

If you run an agent that, as part of its task, runs another agent that requires special privileges, Domino will run the first agent, but won't run the second agent.

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Why is my agent sending mail to an administrator?

If you create an agent with the simple action "Send Document," Notes sends the document to whoever is in the document's SendTo field. If there is no SendTo field, Notes sends the document to whatever name is in the $UpdatedBy field (usually an administrator). If the document also contains the CopyTo or BlindCopyTo fields, it is routed to those recipients at the same time. To see the names in the $UpdatedBy, CopyTo and BlindCopyTo fields:

1. Open the application where the agent resides.

2. Click View > Agents.

3. Select the agent in the list.

4. Click Edit > Properties.

5. Click the Fields tab. Agent properties fields tab

6. In the left pane, select the field ($UpdatedBy, CopyTo or BlindCopyTo) you want to check for a name.

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Why can't I record user activity?

To record user activity in an application, follow these steps:

1. Open the application.

2. Click File > Application > Properties.

3. Click the Info tab. Database properties info tab

4. Click "User Detail."

5. Select "Record activity."

6. Click OK.

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See Also