Archiving is particularly useful for mail applications if you have set user preferences to automatically save a copy of messages you send in the Sent view, causing your mail application to increase in size. You can create folders and put messages in them to organize your mail, but this doesn't decrease the size of your mail application. Archiving frees up space and improves the performance of your mail.
To run archiving in a mail file, you must have at least Editor access with delete rights and own the mail file. If you are not the owner of the mail file, you must have Manager access with delete rights to the mail file.
Access to archiving for mail
If your organization sets an archiving policy for mail applications, the policy controls how much access you have to archiving in mail. You may not need to archive at all because archiving is set up and run on your behalf. Or, the policy may specify that you can establish private archive criteria in addition to the archiving your organization performs.
You can tell how much access you have to archiving mail by opening your mail and clicking Actions > Archive > Settings to view the Archive Settings dialog box. For more information, see Administration policies for archiving mail.
Private mail archiving--Process overview
If you have access to archive your mail privately, here is the process that you need to follow:
1. Basics--Specify the computers where archiving runs and where the archive is stored. You can set the archive process to be performed either by your mail server (server-based archiving), so that you don't need to leave your computer on while archiving runs, or by the IBM® Lotus® Notes® client software (client-based archiving) on your computer so that you can have more control over the schedule. If the archive process is performed by your Notes client, you can store the archive application locally or on any server to which you have access. If the process is performed by your mail server, you can store the archive application only on a server to which you have access.
2. Criteria--Create and enable a set of archive criteria (information that Notes will use during archiving) for the archive application about to be created. A criteria set includes information on which documents to archive, the file name and path of the archive application, and your selections for mail file cleanup options.
4. Schedule--For client-based archiving, set a schedule for when archiving will occur, or archive manually by choosing Actions > Archive > Archive Now. (For server-based archiving, archiving will occur according to the server's scheduling--you have no control over when it runs.) When the archive application has been created, you can bookmark it, delete it, copy it, or perform other tasks with it as you would with any other application.
See the procedure Creating or editing a set of archive criteria. Steps in this procedure branch to all the other procedures you need to archive your mail privately.
See Also