Only Lotus Notes view data is exported. You cannot export data to CSV format from an open document.
CSV import is not supported.
Exporting from a view does not remove documents from the view, but simply copies the data into a new file.
To export a Lotus Notes view in CSV format
1. In a view, select the documents you want to export.
2. Click File > Export.
3. In the File name field, either create a new file by typing a name and extension, or replace data in an existing file with the exported data by selecting the file. Use .csv as the extension.
4. Click Comma Separated Value in the Save as type field.
5. Click All documents or Selected documents.
6. To include the view titles in the exported file, check Include View titles.
7. Specify the Export character set. The options are the default character set, International (UTF-8), and Unicode.
8. Click OK.