To specify text direction and cursor behavior for bi-directional languages
If you are using a bi-directional language such as Arabic or Hebrew, you can set the IBM® Lotus® Notes® menus and text to read in the direction appropriate for the language, and specify cursor movement appropriate to the language.

Note The Bi-directional tab appears in preferences only when a bi-directional language is available. In Microsoft® Windows® 2000 and Windows XP, you can set your operating system to use bi-directional languages, but in earlier releases of Windows you may need to install language locales. Ask your IBM® Lotus® Domino® Administrator for assistance in using other languages.

1. Click File > Preferences > User Preferences.

2. Click the plus sign beside International and then click Bi-directional.

3. Do one of the following:

4. Click OK.

Setting reading order for paragraphs in a document

If bi-directional text is enabled in Lotus Notes, you can set the reading order for paragraphs in a document.

1. Put the document in Edit mode.

2. Select the text that you want to specify a reading order for.

3. Click Text > Text Properties.

4. Click the Paragraph Alignment tab.

5. Click Left-to-Right or Right-to-Left next to Reading order.

6. Click OK.

See Also