Phone dialing settings for a location
You can specify phone information on the Phone Settings tab of a Location document in which the Location type is Notes Direct Dialup or Network Dialup.
FieldInformation to enter
Prefix for outside lineThe number, if any, needed to dial to get an outside line at the location. Many US businesses, for example, use 9.
International prefixThe number needed to dial international calls.
Country code at this locationThe country code at the location.
Long distance prefixThe number needed to dial long distance, usually 1 in the US.
Area code at this locationArea code at the location.
Calling card access numberAn access number to use a calling card for each call you make from the location. (The access number is the number you dial before a phone number to indicate you want to use a calling card).
Calling card number or extension suffixA calling card number or extension to use for each call you make from the location.
Dialing Rules button (does not appear in documents with Local Area Network or No Connection type, or in a new unsaved Location document)Click to enter server phone number information for the location.
To have Notes show some of this information in a dialog box each time you use the location, click File > Locations > Manage Locations, click the location and click Edit, and click Yes in the Prompt for time/date/phone field.

Tip If you need to add a delay in dialing because the number you're calling plays a message, such as instructions for selecting an extension, you can use commas to delay all or part of the dialing. For example, you can add commas between the phone number and extension number. Each comma forces a two-second delay.

See Also