To identify and mark languages within a document
You can select any amount of text in a document and tag it for a specific language. For example, if you write a document that includes English text and Italian text, you can select the text written in English and mark it "English (United States)," and you can select the text written in Italian and mark it "Italian."

When you perform a spell check in a document that includes language-tagged paragraphs, the English (United States) dictionary checks the text marked as English (United States), and the Italian dictionary checks the text marked as Italian. For information on installing and using different language dictionaries, see Switch to a different spelling dictionary.

You must be in a rich-text field to change text languages.

1. Put the document in Edit mode.

2. To mark existing text, select the text. To mark new text, click where you want to enter the text.

3. Click Text > Text Properties.

4. Click the Font tab.

5. Select a language from the Language list.

Tip You can also use the status bar to mark languages in a document.

See Also