Building Eclipse components
This section provides general information on how to build Eclipse components. For more complete and detailed information, refer to the documentation provided with IBM® Lotus® Expeditor Toolkit.


You can use Lotus Expeditor Toolkit, an Eclipse integrated development environment (IDE), or Rational Application Developer to build Eclipse components. Composite applications accessed by the Notes 8 can include combinations of NSF components and Eclipse components. These components then interact via inter-component communication supported by the property broker.

Building an Eclipse component includes the following procedures:

Note A local update site may be used for development and testing of your components. When you move to the production phase of your application project, however, it is recommended that you use a remote update site using the following guidelines:
Eclipse component fundamentals

It is necessary that you create your Java(TM) plug-in components and then associate the plug-ins in an Eclipse feature project.
Once this is done, it is important that you create or update an update site project. This is an Eclipse project and the output of this project can be hosted on a HTTP server. In the IBM Lotus Notes 8 environment, features and plug-ins are updated and provisioned from the update site location.

You can develop Eclipse components for use in a composite application as presented below:

You must also use the new property broker APIs provided in this release. For example:

Note For more complete information, refer to the IBM Lotus Expeditor toolkit documentation.

Another example using the new property broker APIs is as follows:
See Also