Using PIM component views in composite applications
PIM (Personal Information Manager) component views are views which are made available in the Composite Application Editor's palette by default and can be added to your composite application:

The following PIM component views are available:

The following table provides more detailed information on the component views and the values that are associated with them when they are used:
PIM Component ViewNameValue
Mail (required) notes:///0000000000000E00/MailFS?OpenFrameset
Mail Mini (required)notes:///0000000000000E00/Switcher MV Form For Mail?OpenForm
Mail (optional)INBOX
Calendar (required)notes:///0000000000000E00/CalendarFS?OpenFrameset
Calendar Mini (required)notes:///0000000000000E00/Switcher MV Form For Calendar?OpenForm
Calendar (optional)CALENDAR
Notes Todo (required)notes:///0000000000000E00/TodoFS?OpenFrameset
Notes Todo (optional)notes:///0000000000000E00/TodoFS?OpenFrameset
Contacts (required)notes:///0000000000000E01/Contacts?OpenFrameset
Contacts (optional)ALL_CONTACTS



The following general properties are used with the PIM component views:
Creating a composite application that uses a PIM component view

Use the following steps to create a new composite application that uses a PIM component view.

1. Open the Notes Standard client.

2. Begin creating a new composite application by selecting File-Application-New.

3. At the New Application dialog box, select "-Blank Composite Application-" from the Template list

4. Provide a Title for you new composite application

5. Click OK and the blank composite application is created.

6. Select Actions-Edit Application. The Composite Application Editor is launched to let you begin editing the application.

7. In the Composite Application Editor, expand the Component Palette (right-hand side shelf view) to display the PIM components that may be added to the application.

8. In the Component Palette, select and right-click Notes Contacts View. A popup menu is displayed.

9. Click '"Add to application."

10. Add the view to Composite Application Editor Placeholder View by dragging it and releasing the mouse button to place it onto the Blank Application Page.

11. Select Notes Contact View from the design element view (left-hand side shelf view).

12. Select Edit-Component-Edit Component Properties. The Edit Component Properties dialog appears.

13. Click the Advanced button

14. From the Advanced Component Properties box you can add component properties for the views by clicking the Add button. All usable component properties for Mail, Contacts, Calendar and To Do are listed above.

For more information on using the Composite Application Editor , refer to the Composite Application Editor documentation.

See Also