Examples: QueryAddToFolder event
This QueryAddToFolder event discontinues an add to folder operation if the user responds "no" to a query.

(Globals) (Declarations)
%INCLUDE "lsconst.lss"

Sub Queryaddtofolder(Source As Notesuiview, Target As Variant, _
Continue As Variant)
 Dim doc As NotesDocument
 Dim docList As String
 While Not (doc Is Nothing)
   docList = docList & Chr(10) & doc.Subject(0)
   Set doc = Source.Documents.GetNextDocument (doc)
 If Messagebox ("Do you want to add these documents to " _
 & Target & "?" & Chr(10) & docList, _
 "Add to folder") = IDNO Then
   Continue = False
 End If
End Sub

See Also