Creates a new item in a document and sets the item value.
Note In general, ReplaceItemValue is favored over AppendItemValue. If an item of the same name already exists in a document, AppendItemValue creates a second item of the same name, and the duplicate items are not accessible except through a work-around. If you are creating a new document, AppendItemValue is safe.
Defined in
Set notesItem = notesDocument.AppendItemValue( itemName$, value )
To keep the new item in the document, you must call the Save method after calling AppendItemValue.
If the document already has an item called itemName$, AppendItemValue does not replace it. Instead, it creates another item of the same name, and gives it the value you specify.
The IsSummary property of the new item defaults to True, which means that the item value can be displayed in a view or folder.
"Extended class" syntax
You can also create an item in a document using the NotesDocument "extended class" syntax, which eliminates the need for AppendItemValue. For example, you have the following script:
appendItemValue method in Java Document class
Example See Also