Exploring the Programmer's pane
The Programmer's pane is located in Lotus Domino Designer in the lower half of the Work pane, or by itself in some design elements and resources such as agents and shared fields. The Programmer's pane is context-sensitive and may change slightly depending on the programming language you select.

For information about developing design elements see Overview -- applications and databases.

The Programmer's pane consists of the following main components.

Programmer's pane main components
Interface elementPurpose
Errors boxDisplays compile-time errors for LotusScript and Java.
Help buttonLaunches Lotus Domino Designer 6 Help from the Programmer's pane. Located on the Reference tab. Same as F1 or Help - Context Help.
Info list Contains the Objects and Reference tabs.
Objects tabLists all of the objects and events available for programming in the current context.
Paste buttonPastes selected information into the Script area. CTRL+V is a shortcut.
Paste full text check boxIf selected, pastes the syntax of an event, method, or property from the Reference tab into the Script area when you click the Paste button.
Reference listAllows you to see and select reference information.
Reference tabLists reference information and syntax.
Run menuEnables you to select the desired programming environment (Client or Web) and language (Formula, Simple action(s), LotusScript, JavaScript, Imported Java, and Java). It displays only the environments and languages available for the current design state. You can choose to use the same JavaScript for both environments by selecting the option Common JavaScript.

Note Using the Run menu to select a programming environment is new with Release 6.

Script areaProvides a space to write and compile all recognized programming languages.
Title barDisplays the title of the design element that the programming language is attached to. Double-click here to maximize or minimize the Programmer's pane (does not change for Agents).

See Also