Using the Lotus Expeditor Toolkit with Notes as a development environment
This topic provides setup information to the composite application developer who wants to use the Expeditor Toolkit in conjunction with the Notes as a development environment. The following procedures are provided to help you quickly setup a development, test, and debugging environment using Notes and the Lotus Expeditor Toolkit.

The Lotus® Expeditor Toolkit provides the tools necessary to create and test OSGi plug-ins, Web Applications, Embedded Transaction Applications, Web Services client and providers, and Portlet applications for use on the Lotus Expeditor platform. Lotus Expeditor is built on Eclipse 3.2.1, which is built on top of OSGi. For this release, Eclipse 3.2.1 plug-ins run as OSGi plug-ins. The Plug-in Developer Environment (PDE) provided with Eclipse 3.2.1 provides many features that are useful in the development of OSGi plug-ins. The Lotus Expeditor Toolkit is built upon the solid base provided by the Eclipse PDE.

Using the Lotus Expeditor Toolkit, you build applications and services as "plug-ins" that run on Lotus Expeditor runtime. Lotus Expeditor Toolkit lets you focus on the creation of plug-ins, without having to become an OSGi plug-in internals expert. In its simplest form, the toolkit is designed for the developer who wants to develop and store ten or twenty plug-ins with automated assistance purely within the Eclipse environment.


The toolkit can be installed and used in any Eclipse 3.2.1 or 3.2.2 based IDE environment. Refer to the Lotus Expeditor Toolkit documentation for more specific information.

Automatic configuration

Notes developers should install the Expeditor Toolkit and the Java(TM) 5 VM from the Lotus Expeditor DRE (Device Runtime Environment) CD. An update site has been created for installing the DRE. Configure an update manager for a remote location and use the URL The DRE update site will only be updated when the VM changes.

After installing the Expeditor toolkit and restarting the IDE you will be presented with the Toolkit Configuration dialog box.

Note If you need to install the Java 5 VM, you should click cancel at this point; install the Java VM from the DRE update site and restart. You will be presented with this box again on restart.

From the Test Environment drop down box, you can select the Expeditor, Notes 8, or Sametime Test target environments. The rest of the fields will be updated based on the default installation of each product. Once selected, you may need to change the Target Location field. This directory should be the root of the RCP install directory for your target product. In the case of Expeditor, the default location will be the location of the included test environment. The following are recommended configurations:
Environment Compiler compliance levelVM Name
Notes 8 5.00J2SE 5.0 (Win32 or Linux®)
Sametime1.40jclDesktop (Win32 or Linux)
Expeditor (default)1.40jclDesktop (Win32 or Linux)
Expeditor (Java(TM) 5)5.00J2SE 5.0 (Win32 or Linux)
It is recommended that you select the "Attempt to configure the toolkit the first time a workspace opens" radio button. If you select this radio button, you will only be prompted the first time you use a workspace with the toolkit.

In order to have the correct launch setup, you should also set the Default Target for your environment. To set the default target, select Window > Preferences > Client Services > Development and choose the Notes 8 target from the drop down box.

If you need to reconfigure the IDE environment, you can access the configuration screen by selecting Window > Preferences > Client Services and set the appropriate configuration for your environment.

Launching the client

To launch the client from within the configured IDE, use the following procedure:

1. Select Run > Run...

2. Select Client Services.

3. Click New.

4. Enter a Name (for example, "Notes launch configuration").

5. Select Clear workspace data before launching.

6. Click Run.

The target that you initially selected sets all VM arguments. The tabs on the client services launcher function similar to the Eclipse PDE launcher, with a few additions.

If you would like to add or remove plug-ins from the launch configuration at a feature level, change to the profile tab and select the features to add and remove. If you want to launch with a different target from the workspace default, change to the Profile tab of the launcher and select your target to launch.

For more complete information on targets and creating custom targets, refer to the Lotus Expeditor documentation.

Manual Configuration

If you do not wish to use the automatic configuration option, use the following information to manually configure the environment:

Note These instruction assume you installed Notes in c:\notes.

Set the target platform

From within the Eclipse IDE, do the following:

1. Select Window > Preferences.

2. Expand Plug-in Development.

3. Select Target Platform.

4. In the Location edit control, type C:\notes\framework\eclipse.

5. Click the Reload button.

6. Click OK.

Set the JRE

From within the Eclipse IDE, do the following:

1. Select Window > Preferences.

2. Expand Java.

3. Select Installed JREs.

4. Check the box next to J2SE 5.0.

5. Click OK.

Set the default platform

From within the Eclipse IDE, do the following:

1. Select Window > Preferences.

2. Select Client Services.

3. Change the Default Target Selection to Notes 8.

4. Click OK.

Create a new launch configuration

From within the Eclipse IDE, do the following:

1. Select Run > Run....

2. Select Client Services.

3. Click New.

4. (optional) Enter a Name (for example, "Notes launch configuration").

5. (optional) Select Clear workspace data before launching.

6. Click Run.