Accessing entries in a view navigator

The following methods in the NotesViewNavigator class allow you to access entries in a view navigator:
GetChild Returns the first child (response) of an entry in a view navigator
GetCurrent Returns the current entry in a view navigator. For COM only.
GetEntry Returns the current entry in a view navigator. For COM only.
GetFirst Returns the first entry in a view navigator
GetFirstDocument Returns the first document in a view navigator, skipping any category entries
GetLast Returns the last entry in a view navigator
GetLastDocument Returns the last document entry in a view navigator, skipping any category and totals entries.
GetNext Returns the next entry in a view navigator
GetNextCategory Returns the next category entry in a view navigator
GetNextDocument Returns the next document entry in a view navigator
GetNextSibling Returns the next sibling entry in a view navigator
GetNth Returns the nth entry in a view navigator
GetParent Returns the parent entry in a view navigator
GetPos Returns the entry at a specified position in a view navigator
GetPrev Returns the previous entry in a view navigator
GetPrevCategory Returns the previous category entry in a view navigator
GetPrevDocument Returns the previous document entry in a view navigator
GetPrevSibling Returns the previous sibling entry in a view navigator
GotoChild Moves the current pointer to the first child of the current or specified entry in a view navigator. For COM only.
GotoEntry Moves the current pointer to a specified document or view entry. For COM only.
GotoFirst Moves the current pointer to the first entry in a view navigator. For COM only.
GotoFirstDocument Moves the current pointer to the first document entry in a view navigator, skipping any category entries. For COM only.
GotoLast Moves the current pointer to the last entry in a view navigator. For COM only.
GotoLastDocument Moves the current pointer to the last document entry in a view navigator, skipping any totals and category entries. For COM only.
GotoNext Moves the current pointer to the next entry of the current or specified entry in a view navigator. For COM only.
GotoNextCategory Moves the current pointer to the next category entry of the current entry in a view navigator. For COM only.
GotoNextDocument Moves the current pointer to the next document entry of the current entry in a view navigator. For COM only.
GotoNextSibling Moves the current pointer to the next sibling entry of the current or specified entry in a view navigator. For COM only.
GotoParent Moves the current pointer to the parent entry of the current or specified entry in a view navigator. For COM only.
GotoPos Moves the current pointer to the entry at a specified position in a view navigator. For COM only.
GotoPrev Moves the current pointer to the entry previous to the current or specified entry in a view navigator. For COM only.
GotoPrevCategory Moves the current pointer to the previous category entry in a view navigator. For COM only.
GotoPrevDocument Moves the current pointer to the previous document entry in a view navigator. For COM only.
GotoPrevSibling Moves the current pointer to the previous sibling entry of the current or specified entry in a view navigator. For COM only.

See Also