Returns the current timedate.
@Now( flags ; serverNames )
Note The flags and serverNames parameters are new with Release 6.
@Now gets the time-date of the local computer in the following cases:
@Now gets the time-date or time-dates of one or more specified servers if [SERVERTIME] and serverNames are specified.
An error occurs if @Now cannot get the time from a server specified in serverNames and [LOCALTIMEONERROR] is not specified.
Using @Now in column or selection formulas may impact the efficiency of your application. It also causes the view refresh indicator to display constantly.
The @Now function returns the current time with one hundredths of a second precision. However, if you use @Now to specify the current time in a computed field, the hundredths of a second value is always rounded up to the next second, which can result in the current time being one second fast. You can avoid this by replacing @Now with the following formula:
timenow := @Now;
Language cross-reference
Now function of LotusScript language
Example See Also