Examples: Prompt method
1. This PROMPT_OK example displays an informational message; the user clicks OK to close the dialog box. Use this style when you want to inform the user about something without receiving anything back except an acknowledgment.
2. This PROMPT_YESNO example displays a message and gives the user a chance to proceed or cancel the operation. If the user selects Yes the value 1 is returned. If the user selects No the value 0 is returned.
3. This PROMPT_YESNOCANCEL example also displays a message and gives the user a chance to select Yes, No, or Cancel. If the user selects Cancel, the value -1 is returned.
4. This PROMPT_OKCANCELEDIT example prompts the user to enter a message which is returned as a text string. No default message is displayed.
5. This PROMPT_OKCANCELEDIT example, using a default value, displays the user's name and prompts for any corrections. If changes are made, the name is updated. If the user quits, the name does not change.
6. This PROMPT_OKCANCELLIST example displays a list box with database names, prompts the user to select a database, and returns that database's name as a text string for use in a subsequent operation. If the user selects Cancel, the response string is Empty. The user must select one of the listed options; by default, Schedule is highlighted (the value listed as the default must also be included in the display list).
7. This PROMPT_OKCANCELCOMBO example displays a dialog box similar to the PROMPT_OKCANCELLIST example, except that a drop-down list is used, so that initially only the default value is displayed. The user clicks the down arrow on the box to display the rest of the list. As in the PROMPT_OKCANCELLIST example, the user must select one of the listed values; by default, Schedule is selected. This script returns the user's selection. If the user selects Cancel, the response string is Empty.
8. This PROMPT_OKCANCELEDITCOMBO example is similar to the PROMPT_OKCANCELCOMBO example, except here the user can edit the text box and type in any name; this way, the user is not limited to the selections in the list. This script returns the user's selection or entry. If the user selects Cancel, the response string is Empty. The default value must be included in the list, or the text box that displays initially will be blank.
9. This PROMPT_OKCANCELLISTMULT example displays a list of names, from which the user can select one or more. The default value must be included in the list (Mary Tsen appears as the default selection). This script returns the user's selection(s). If the user selects Cancel, the response string is Empty.
10. This PROMPT_PASSWORD example displays a dialog box where the user can enter a password. Notes/Domino does not display the password on the screen. If the password supplied is not xyzabc the user is prompted two times to enter the correct password.
See Also