Specific exceptions to LotusScript specifications

The following are specific differences between accessing Domino Objects through either LotusScript or COM.
ButtonEntire classNot in COM
FieldEntire classNot in COM
NavigatorEntire classNot in COM
NotesACLRemoveACLEntryCOM only
NotesACLEntryNameObjectCOM only
NewNot in COM
NotesDatabaseUnprocessedDocumentsNot implemented in COM (Note 1)
CreateNot in COM (Note 2)
GetURLHeaderInfoIn COM, parameters 1 and 2 are optional
NewNot in COM
OpenIn COM takes no parameters (Note 2)
OpenByReplicaIDNot in COM (Note 2)
OpenIfModifiedNot in COM (Note 2)
OpenMailNot in COM (Note 2)
OpenURLDbNot in COM
OpenWithFailoverNot in COM
UnprocessedFTSearchNot implemented in COM (Note 1)
UnprocessedSearchNot implemented in COM (Note 1)
NotesDateRangeParentCOM only
NotesDateTimeParentCOM only
NewNot in COM
NotesDbDirectoryParentCOM only
CreateDatabaseCOM only (Note 2)
GetFirstDatabaseIn COM, use NOTES_DATABASE instead of DATABASE due to a naming conflict
NewNot in COM
OpenDatabaseCOM only (Note 2)
OpenDatabaseByReplicaIDCOM only (Note 2)
OpenDatabaseIfModifiedCOM only (Note 2)
OpenMailDatabaseCOM only (Note 2)
NotesDocumentNewNot in COM
NotesDocumentCollectionAddDocumentCOM has optional second parameter, checkDups As Boolean = False, but it has no use currently
NotesDOMParser etal.All NotesDOM classesNot in COM
NotesDXLExporterExitOnFirstFatalErrorNot inherited in COM (see Note 4)
LogNot inherited in COM(see Note 4)
LogCommentNot inherited in COM(see Note 4)
ExportCOM only (see Note 4)
NotesDXLImporterExitOnFirstFatalErrorNot inherited in COM (see Note 4)
LogNot inherited in COM(see Note 4)
LogCommentNot inherited in COM(see Note 4)
ImportCOM only (see Note 4)
NotesEmbeddedObjectDoVerbCOM treats as Sub not Function
NotesFormParentCOM only
NotesInternationalParentCOM only
NotesItemNewNot in COM
NotesLogParentCOM only
NewNot in COM
NotesNameParentCOM only
NewNot in COM
NotesNewsletterParentCOM only
NewNot in COM
NotesOutlineParentDatabaseCOM only
AddEntryNot in COM; obsolete in LotusScript
CreateEntryIn COM, parameter 2 not optional; specify Nothing for default
GetChildNot in COM; obsolete in LotusScript
NotesOutlineEntryIsHiddenNot in COM; obsolete in LotusScript
ParentCOM only
SetActionCOM treats as Sub not Function
SetNamedElementCOM treats as Sub not Function
SetNoteLinkCOM treats as Sub not Function; COM has only 1 parameter, Obj As UNKNOWN
SetURLCOM treats as Sub not Function
NotesRegistrationNewNot in COM
NotesReplicationNo exceptions
NotesRichTextItemAddNewLineIn COM, parameter 1 optional and defaults to 1
AddTabIn COM, parameter optional and defaults to 1
NewNot in COM
NotesRichTextParagraphStyleSetTabIn COM, parameter 2 optional
SetTabsIn COM, parameter 3 optional and defaults to 1
NotesRichTextStyleParentCOM only
NotesRichTextTabNo exceptions
NotesSAXParser etal.All NotesSAX classesNot in COM
NotesSessionCurrentAgentNot implemented in COM (Note 1)
CurrentDatabaseNot implemented in COM (Note 1)
DocumentContextNot implemented in COM (Note 1)
NotesURLCOM only
ServerNameCOM only
UserNameListNot implemented in COM (Note 1)
UserNameObjectCOM only
CreateDOMParserNot in COM
CreateRegistrationCOM only
CreateSAXParserNot in COM
CreateTimerNot in COM
CreateXSLTransformerNot in COM
EvaluateCOM only
InitializeCOM only
InitializeUsingNotesUserNameCOM only
NotesTimerEntire classNot in COM
NotesUIDatabaseEntire classNot in COM
NotesUIDocumentEntire classNot in COM
NotesUIViewEntire classNot in COM
NotesUIWorkspaceEntire classNot in COM
NotesViewColumnNamesCOM only
CreateViewNavCOM has optional Long parameter for cache size
CreateViewNavFromCOM has optional Long parameter for cache size
CreateViewNavFromCategoryCOM has optional Long parameter for cache size
CreateViewNavFromChildrenCOM has optional Long parameter for cache size
CreateViewNavFromDescendantsCOM has optional Long parameter for cache size
CreateViewNavMaxLevelCOM only
GetColumnCOM only
NotesViewColumnNo exceptions
NotesViewEntryNo exceptions
NotesViewEntryCollectionAddEntryCOM has optional second parameter, checkDups As Boolean = False, but it has no use currently
NotesViewNavigatorCacheSizeCOM only (Note 3)
GetCurrentCOM only
GotoChildCOM only
GotoEntryCOM only
GotoFirstCOM only
GotoFirstDocumentCOM only
GotoLastCOM only
GotoLastDocumentCOM only
GotoNextCOM only
GotoNextCategoryCOM only
GotoNextDocumentCOM only
GotoNextSiblingCOM only
GotoParentCOM only
GotoPosCOM only
GotoPrevCOM only
GotoPrevCategoryCOM only
GotoPrevDocumentCOM only
GotoPrevSiblingCOM only
NotesXMLProcessorEntire classNot in COM
NotesXSLTransformerEntire classNot in COM

Note 1: "Not implemented in COM" means that the code compiles but returns a "not implemented" run-time error.

Note 2: The LotusScript NotesDatabase methods Create, Open with parameters, OpenByReplicaID, OpenIfModified, and OpenMail are implemented in COM in NotesDbDirectory as CreateDatabase, OpenDatabase, OpenDatabaseByReplicaID, OpenDatabaseIfModified, and OpenMailDatabase.

Note 3: You can query and set this property, but it is not actually used.

Note 4: NotesXMLProcessor is not implemented in COM. NotesDXLExporter and NotesDXLImporter implement ExitOnFirstFatalError, Log, and LogComment, rather than inheriting them. NotesDXLExporter initiates processing with the COM-only Export method. NotesDXLImporter initiates processing with the COM-only Import method. Process, SetInput, and SetOutput do not exist in COM.

See Also