The following design options are available for specifying how views will behave when displayed in an Eclipse-based user interface. These options are available from the Info Tab of the View property box.
Note These options are available only if your notes.ini file contains the setting "Designer_ShowPropForJavaViewsUI=1." The default setting is not to display these options.
Note These options only have an effect in supported Java(TM) PIM component views (csiviews). Refer to the "Using PIM component views in composite applications" topic in the documentation for more information.
Hide the column header
To show only the data in view columns without the column headers, select this option. Selecting this option allows greater flexibility in visually grouping documents within a view.
Show partial response hierarchies
If this option is selected, missing roots of partial threads will be created so that response trees can be displayed for any message in the view. Otherwise, only those threads which are complete can be displayed.
Show Vertical/Horizontal switcher
The preview pane can be placed in a horizontal layout orientation, below or above the viewer, or in a vertical layout orientation, beside the viewer. Select this option to enable a pair of icons in the actionbar of the view that enable the user to switch their layout orientation between horizontal and vertical orientations.
Show Tab Navigator
The Tab Navigator is a set of button-like items, used to control the set of documents being showing in the viewer. Select this option to display the Tab Navigator in viewers and make it clickable.
This option controls the ability to switch between Table, Calendar, Tile, or third party viewers. If no viewer is specified, the style attribute of the Folder/View will determine which viewer is used. If one viewer is specified, that viewer will be used. If multiple viewers are specified, an action item will be added to the user's Action Bar, allowing the user to change the viewer. A selected viewer persists for that Folder/View.
Thread View
To enable the inline expand thread feature for a folder or view, specify its name in the Thread View option. If a Folder/View is specified in the Thread View option, an additional option of Allow conversation mode is available. If checked, the Allow conversation mode option will add a button to the user's Action Bar allowing the user to switch between the message mode (showing all messages, and highlighting those in the same thread as a selected message) and the conversation mode (showing only the most recent message in a thread, until the thread is expanded).
Additional shared action design element option for composite applications
The following design option is available for specifying how action buttons will behave when displayed in an Eclipse-based user interface. These options are available from the Info Tab of the Shared Action property box.
Note This option is available only if your notes.ini file contains the setting "Designer_ShowPropForJavaViewsUI=1." The default setting is not to display these options.
Note This option only has an effect in supported Java(TM) PIM component views (csiviews). Refer to the "Using PIM component views in composite applications" topic in the documentation for more information.
Display as split button
Note The "Display as a split button" option is only available for composite application designs.
Check "Display as a split button" to display two buttons for an action when it is used in a composite application. The left button will display the icon and button label, and execute the first subaction if clicked. The right button will display a drop-down arrow, and will activate the drop-down menu of all subactions if clicked.
For more complete information on actions, refer to the Application Design section of this documentation.
Additional outline entry outline properties for composite applications
The following additional outline property is available for an Eclipse-based user interface. This property is available from the Info Tab of the Outline Entry property box.
Display separator above this entry
In Notes Standard configuration composite applications, a horizontal separator line will appear between this entry and the one above it.
For more complete information on outline entries, refer to the Application Design section of this documentation.
Additional column options for composite applications
The following additional column options are available for an Eclipse-based user interface. This property is available from the Advanced Tab of the Column property box.
For more complete information on these options, refer to the "Advanced options for columns" topic in the Application Design section of this documentation.
Vertical Layout options for columns
Notes Standard configuration offers the ability to display a view in a vertical (narrow) layout for composite applications. In a vertical layout, the columns are adjusted to fit within the layout without scrolling. Columns can be displayed on two lines, with each column in the view designated as always being on the top row or potentially wrapped to the second row, or hidden in vertical layouts. A sequence number allows the designer to control the order in which columns are wrapped to the second row. The second row can also be indented, by designating a column on the top row under which the second row will be left justified.
Tiled Layout options for columns
Notes Standard configuration offers the ability to display a view in a tiled layout for composite applications. In a tiled layout, the information about each document that would normally appear as a line in the view is displayed as an individual tile within the screen space allocated for the view. For example, a view containing rows of contact information could be displayed as a series of business cards. The Tile ordering is horizontal then vertical, and only scrolls vertically. The tiles are all the same size. Each tile contains a top, header section, and a bottom, attributes section.
Composite Settings option for columns
The Composite Settings section of the Advanced tab of the Column properties lets you map properties to data available in specific columns.
With the support of composite applications, you can choose a property to be associated with a column and its data by selecting the name of that defined property. In composite applications, Web Services Description Language (WSDL) files (XML files) containing properties, actions, and data types are used by components for component interaction in a composite application. A property name is the unique identifier stored as WSDL content in the application WSDL file. It is used as a programmatic identifier.
See Also